Dust Suppression Systems
These units ave been designed to tackle the problem of airborne dust particles generated by open mining activities, general demolition work and bulk material handling. Other common applications are the cooling of large outdoor areas and the making of artificial rain.
Applicatons: Dust suppression and humidification of open dusty surfaces, mining, general demolition work and bulk material handling, waste treatment facilities, stockpiles, discharging into ships, reclaiming from stockpiles, dumping, crushing and loading/unloading trucks. Cooling of large open spaces like stadiums, concerts, events and parks.
Apache A-60 Fog-Rain Cannon

Apache A-60 is a powerful and reliable Fog Cannon. A-60 is equipped with a high power turbine ventilator and thanks to its three-in-one concentric nozzle rings, it can spray a light rain with a throw of approximately 40-60* meters (130-170* feet).
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Apache A-75 Fog-Rain Cannon

Apache A-75 is a reliable Fog Cannon featuring high performaces with very low noise levels. A-75 is equipped with a high power turbine ventilator and thanks to its patented concentric nozzle system, it can spray a light or heavy rain with a throw of approximately 50-75* meters (165-210* feet).
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